
Week 14 & 15: AAGGGHHH The Busyness!!!

  Week 14 & 15: AAGGGHHHH The Busyness!!! "Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy - then we need an hour." - St. Francis de Sales It's that time of year folks...the semester coming to a close, work picking up while being on lockdown (yet again)'s a fun time. Hi friends! I hope you had a great couple of weeks. It has been a challenging yet eventful time in my life. Happy Easter! What I meant of challenging yet eventful couple of weeks is that life doesn't look like it is slowing down for me. Work has been such a gift from the Lord and bringing me to somewhat of a normalcy during this time.  Plus, my boss told me that I am considered as an essential worker. I think it is probably because of the populations I serve (people with disabilities). I am going for the Pfizer (or Moderna) vaccine on Tuesday April 20th (please pray for me) at 12:30pm, during my lunch. Am I looking forward to getting a needle in my arm? Why yes, ...

Weeks 12 & 13: Trust

  Weeks 12 & 13: Trust:  " The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day." - Saint Gianna Molla (Photo by me) Downtown Harbourfront, Toronto. Thank You God for letting me live in a city such as this! Hi friends! Sorry I have not been posting again for the past two weeks. It has been super busy and everything in between. Waiting to hear from my profs on my big paper, finishing my course(s) (homestretch! πŸ’ͺ) and adjusting to my new job.  Also, I cannot believe that it is already Holy Week! 😱This year is really flying by! These past two weeks have taught me a couple of things: learning to trust in the Lord and taking help/support from others.  Can you finish the rest? Everything was going well (work in the day, going to school - part time I might add - at night), until this Friday, when my life was put on hold. Working away on Thursday, I had a couple of manageable dizzy spells, I di...

Weeks 10 & 11: The Power of Friendship

  Weeks 10 & 11: The Power of Friendship "What a great favour God does to those He places in the company of people" - St. Teresa of Avila Hello friends! Last week and this week thus far have been super busy with adjusting to my work (I finally got my desk) and school life (homestretch!). Also with school, I submitted my second draft of my giant paper to my professors for review (please pray for me!).  "Its hammer time" because I handed in my paper!!! While all of this was going on, I could not help but think and reflect on this little yet powerful thing we have as humans. Relationship(s). Whether we know about it or not (yes, I am talking to you all you introverts out there), we are all in some form of a relationship (i.e.: friendship, familial, romantic, etc). Fun fact to all the Catholic-Christians reading: the Holy Trinity is in relationship with each other. Therefore, God did not create us to be alone. How incredible is that?  But there is one form of relati...

Week 9: Going Through the Motions? Waiting?

  Week 9: Going Through the Motions? Waiting?   "You do not need to wallow in guilt. Wallow in the mercy of God." - St. John Mary Vianney Me so excited to be in the Red Zone that I had to share this! Hi friends, welcome to the 9th week of this blog! York Region (where I am from) has moved into the Red Zone of Ontario's COVID-19 scale. Basically this means that malls, places of worship, and other stores can be opened again, but to max capacity (I am super excited!!). How is everyone doing this week? I have one question to ask, have you been going through the motions whether it be through life, faith or people?  Like Joey from Friends, information overload!! Well, the answer for me is...yes. This past week and a bit, I have been passing through the motions of work and life a little. All I have been doing at work is training. Watching videos on how to use a certain program to diversity in the workplace (which I can go on a rant of how much stuff is missing and misunder...

Week 8 - Taking On Too Much??

  Week 8: Taking On Too Much?? 😬 "We must trust in the mighty power of God's mercy. We are all sinners, but his grace transforms us and makes us new" - Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI Hello friends! Sorry for the delay in writing this post for this week. But, Happy Wednesday! Thank you so much for being a part of this blog thus far. I really appreciate you taking the time and effort to read it.  Well, this week's post will a short and sweet one. Me and my mom are on this new life-style change for eating healthier because we both want to take care of our physical bodies. We joined Weight Watchers exactly 10 days ago. At first, we were both feeling very moody and fatigued because our bodies were adjusting to the new eating habits we were consuming into our bodies. But, it is a very healthy way to lose weight because it goes at your body's pace and there are coaches who help you keep track.  So far, I have lost 5 pounds. My mom has lost about 8 pounds. We are both feelin...

Week 7: Finding God in the Work

  Week 7: Finding God in the Work "God leads every soul by a unique path" - St. John of the Cross Hello friends and welcome back! Thank you for the continual prayers and support for reading this blog!  Thank you, here is a picture of gratitude! The Link for the book is down below, but first read, lol There is this great book that my friend bought for me for my birthday last year, that I am almost finished. I highly recommend you check it out 😍! It is called Your Blue Flame: Drop the Guilt and Do What You Come Alive  by writer and comedian Jennifer Fulwiler. She basically writes about this gift or talent which God has given to us in anytime or place in our lives.  When we discover what that particular gift is, we become alive once we do. I will it in down below. Anyways, the reason I bring this up is because I think I found one of my many πŸ’™"blue flames"πŸ’™ in blogging. I always wanted to try it but was always afraid to try it out. This is something that God has plac...

Week 6: At Peace

  Week 6: At Peace "Dare to forgive. There is joy and freedom in it." - Immaculee Ilibagiza   This quote was from an African woman who survived the Rwandan genocide back in 1994. This is the second time I heard her speak at a Catholic conference and she always gets to me.  Hi there from Mexico 2018 Mission! Hello friends! For the past 4 days, I attended a conference called Seek. This conference was held through an organization geared towards evangelization called Focus Catholic. It had many great speakers lined and I could access the talks after the conference was completed (up to 6 months😍).  The conference ran from February 4 to the 7th, 2021. To be honest, I have not attended a US based conference since I was in high school (long before COVID). I was very humbled and grateful that the Lord put here in this specific conference to grow closer to His love, mercy and peace. That is exactly what happened.  This is Adoration Right now, I am at peace. The Lord cont...