Week 7: Finding God in the Work


Week 7: Finding God in the Work

"God leads every soul by a unique path" - St. John of the Cross

Hello friends and welcome back! Thank you for the continual prayers and support for reading this blog! 

Thank you, here is a picture of gratitude!

The Link for the book is down below,
but first read, lol

There is this great book that my friend bought for me for my birthday last year, that I am almost finished. I highly recommend you check it out 😍! It is called Your Blue Flame: Drop the Guilt and Do What You Come Alive by writer and comedian Jennifer Fulwiler. She basically writes about this gift or talent which God has given to us in anytime or place in our lives. 

When we discover what that particular gift is, we become alive once we do. I will it in down below. Anyways, the reason I bring this up is because I think I found one of my many 💙"blue flames"💙 in blogging. I always wanted to try it but was always afraid to try it out. This is something that God has placed on my heart. 

My goofy self! 

Every time I write on this blog, I feel myself and alive to live my authentic self! So to all you reading this, thank you! This was a side note 😉. 

This past week, I started my new job at the government of Ontario. I work for the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS for short). It was training week, so you can imagine the amount of information I needed to take in! A LOT! While me and my co-worker needed this information, my boss took us on a little tour around the newly renovated office. 

It had everything from a kitchen with two microwaves, comfy chairs, and windows! Yes, big windows! Though all of this was great to look at, something in the office really stuck out to me and has been with me. There is a little room with a chair along with two blockers (for no one to peek in, unless there is an emergency). It is called the wellness room. Though the government can potentially be a secular place, and we cannot feel God's presence, God is evermore present. 

The gift of work was made by God for us to give back to our fellow human and give glory to Him through the career vocation He has set for us all (if you are a stay-at-home parent, you are working too). God create heaven and earth after all. The God who did that is the God in the here and now. So far, I have been blessed with the opportunity to go into the wellness room during my last break to either sit in silent prayer or pray aloud. 

The first time I went in there, I was a little afraid because I was asking where was God in this space? But when I began to pray, God was present in that moment. The peace in which only He can give was over me in that space, in the most secular place. God was there and will always be there. God is not a feeling (though sometimes our senses can feel Him), God is a person that desires you. He desires to draw us closer to Him. The beautiful is too, He does not force it, He patiently waits for each of us. I think this is definitely something I am working on, to be gentle and patient with myself and others (especially my earthly father). 

This coming week is the beginning of the season of Lent (for all of you Catholic readers). This season, I know that I want to go deeper into knowing the mystery of God. By doing so, I am going to sit in silent prayer or pray the Chaplet during my break in the wellness room. Integrating God into my work. No matter how you pray, He just wants you. That's all. 

So, what is your Lenten journey or other journey going to look like over the next couple of months? Let me know in the comment section down below! Until next time. 

-Unpopular Andrea 🙏😄

Link to where you can find the book (she is not a sponsor, but if you want to get a copy of her book, here it is): 



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