Week 9: Going Through the Motions? Waiting?


Week 9: Going Through the Motions? Waiting?  

"You do not need to wallow in guilt. Wallow in the mercy of God." - St. John Mary Vianney

Me so excited to be in the Red Zone that I had to share this!

Hi friends, welcome to the 9th week of this blog! York Region (where I am from) has moved into the Red Zone of Ontario's COVID-19 scale. Basically this means that malls, places of worship, and other stores can be opened again, but to max capacity (I am super excited!!). How is everyone doing this week? I have one question to ask, have you been going through the motions whether it be through life, faith or people? 

Like Joey from Friends, information overload!!

Well, the answer for me is...yes. This past week and a bit, I have been passing through the motions of work and life a little. All I have been doing at work is training. Watching videos on how to use a certain program to diversity in the workplace (which I can go on a rant of how much stuff is missing and misunderstood in these videos, ugh). I just honestly want to start using the programs that the office uses and get on with my days there. 

Momma Socks reassuring me

Yesterday afternoon, I got a message from Momma Socks reassuring me that it is part of the job, to train and try your best in the role you were given. It reminded me that all this training, filing and scanning will be worth waiting. This reminds me of being in the waiting with God. 

I do not know if you know this but there is an amazing podcast called "The Bible in a Year" with Fr. Mike Schmitz.  I highly recommend you check it out!💪👏 He first reads from the Bible (thus far, it has been from the Old Testament until the end of the year - Revelation). He then discusses about the chapters, gives a historical context to them, and how it can be applied to our daily lives. 

One of the GOAT podcasts, The Bible in a Year with Fr. Mike

Food for Thought

I do not want to spoil anything, but the podcast is on the Book of Numbers. What is happening here in this book so far is that the Israelites were just freed from Egypt. What is remarkable about this story is that the people of Israel is slowly growing impatient with God. But what they do not realize is that God is preparing them for the Promised Land. He is also preparing them for something ever greater, the Christ, who is to come. He is also meeting them where they are at. 

He is with you always.

I too am like the people of Israel because I am slowly growing impatient with many things in my life. I am at peace still but I feel myself going to that place of impatience and restlessness again. I am in the desert with my ancestors and Jesus, for 40 days. He is "training" me in my desert for 40 days. He is stretching me even more because He is preparing me for something great, beautiful and become the best version of myself (in my opinion, by living authentically in Him). If you are in a similar boat, He too is preparing something great in your life. We just have to wait and be patient with Him and even ourselves. 

Now that we are the third week of Lent (to all my Catholic-Christian brothers and sisters), how are you doing? Are you ready to go deeper? Let me know in the comments 👇👇👇

Until next time...

- Unpopular Andrea 🙏😊


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