Weeks 10 & 11: The Power of Friendship


Weeks 10 & 11: The Power of Friendship

"What a great favour God does to those He places in the company of people" - St. Teresa of Avila

Hello friends! Last week and this week thus far have been super busy with adjusting to my work (I finally got my desk) and school life (homestretch!). Also with school, I submitted my second draft of my giant paper to my professors for review (please pray for me!). 

"Its hammer time" because I handed in my paper!!!

While all of this was going on, I could not help but think and reflect on this little yet powerful thing we have as humans. Relationship(s). Whether we know about it or not (yes, I am talking to you all you introverts out there), we are all in some form of a relationship (i.e.: friendship, familial, romantic, etc). Fun fact to all the Catholic-Christians reading: the Holy Trinity is in relationship with each other. Therefore, God did not create us to be alone. How incredible is that? 

But there is one form of relationship I would like to focus on specifically, friendship(s). A friendship can come out of many different circumstances and we all make friends. Sometimes, it may be for a short period of time or something that lasts for life (hence the term "BFF"). I know in my life, I have friends who keep me grounded, accountable and challenge me to think "outside of the box".

I try my best to surround myself with people who don't necessarily agree with me or who have different interests than I do in some ways because they help and allow me to re-examine myself and my assumptions about the world. They help me grow as a person, but they help me stay rooted in who I am and whose I am (even if they do not agree). 

Heart to Heart 

However, this is easier said than done. I honestly feel super uncomfortable when someone challenges me. I do not know if anyone remembers a story I wrote about on one of the posts (go check it out if you haven't...sorry inner blogger in me). I wrote about some of my experiences I had when I was a child in the education system.

(More of this will be shared on the big paper I wrote for school...stay tuned) When I was in elementary school, I was diagnosed with a learning disability called Borderline Intellectual Functioning, which basically means that I was little "slower" than most children in my school. This was a very painful time (even to write the paper took me a long while...but all is well now).

Please do not feel sorry for me because I do not see my LD as a burden, but I see it as a support. I think if it wasn't for my LD, I would not be in this position writing a blog or even having amazing friends who have supported me in my life. It has taught me to be kind and compassionate. I think my blue flame is socializing with others. I love listening and knowing people through their stories they share. It has always been fascinating to me.

Moreover, I have never got the opportunity or chance to say thank you for all that they have done and continue to affect me in my life. Each of my friends I have hold a special place in my heart and I am so grateful that I can call them my friends. 

To the ones whom I have traveled with both past (Europe, Mexico, etc), present (in Ontario) and future (there is a whole world to explore), thank you. To the ones whom I have deep conversations with about faith (or other things), thank you. To the ones who tell, "I disagree with you and these are the reasons", thank you for challenging me. To the ones whom I share my deepest darkest secrets to, thank you. To the one friend that picked me up tonight because she believed that I was weird for walking a 10k walk in the middle of the night, thank you. To the One whom has always and will always be with me, Thank You. 

Thank you to all of you friends out there! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Words cannot describe what you mean to me and how much you mean to me. Shoutout to all my friends out there! All I can say is thank you! Thank you for inspiring me, listening to me and for letting me be a part of your life. I am so privileged to be in your presence (both in person and virtually). 

What do your friends do that inspire you? How can you thank them today or everyday (in a small or big way)? Let me know in the comments below. 👇👇👇👇👇 

Until next time, 

Unpopular Andrea 😊🙏


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