Week 6: At Peace


Week 6: At Peace

"Dare to forgive. There is joy and freedom in it." - Immaculee Ilibagiza 

This quote was from an African woman who survived the Rwandan genocide back in 1994. This is the second time I heard her speak at a Catholic conference and she always gets to me. 

Hi there from Mexico 2018 Mission!

Hello friends! For the past 4 days, I attended a conference called Seek. This conference was held through an organization geared towards evangelization called Focus Catholic. It had many great speakers lined and I could access the talks after the conference was completed (up to 6 months😍). 

The conference ran from February 4 to the 7th, 2021. To be honest, I have not attended a US based conference since I was in high school (long before COVID). I was very humbled and grateful that the Lord put here in this specific conference to grow closer to His love, mercy and peace. That is exactly what happened. 

This is Adoration

Right now, I am at peace. The Lord continues to amaze me in every way possible. I am so grateful to have gone to this conference (virtually, of course😉). One memory which I will hold a special place in my heart is during Adoration. In the Catholic faith, there is ritual in which the Eucharist (which we believe to be the Body of Christ), is contained in a sun-like post called the Monstrance. This is a form of worship and praise to Jesus because He is present. I highly recommend you check it out because of the mystery its brings to those are in-person or even now, virtually watching. 

Mom in Adoration 

Anyways, when it was happening on Saturday night, I felt this gentle voice tug at my heart saying to me, "you should invite someone to join here. Everyone needs Jesus". I knew it was the Holy Spirit (the third person of the Holy Trinity) doing this! I was a little hesitant because 1) who was it going to be? and 2) will the person be open to it? So, as Jesus was being processed, I thought of my mom and called her. She was not even attending the conference! I asked if she wanted to join me. Without any hesitation, I heard her get up from the couch where she was laying and racing up the stairs! I was amazed by her because she wanted to be with Jesus that night. 

For with God, all things are possible

My heart was so filled with peace, joy and gratitude that I offered up this moment to Jesus. I have never seen my mom do this. Like ever! I wanted to tell you this story because this just goes to show what the Lord can surprise us and transform someone's heart right before our eyes. This is also a reminder to not be afraid to invite someone to do an Adoration night, a faith study (this is something that I am working too). In the words of one of the greatest Popes ever lived and who is now a saint, BE NOT AFRAID! Plus, it is written in Scripture 365 times. A whole year to DO THE HARD THING (Dr. Edward Sri). 

Even though many of us are still in lockdown or in isolation, reach out to that person. Talk to them because they might be having a very difficult time. As humans, we are made for relationship (in its many forms). Bring them to Christ. One person at a time. 

Until next time, 

-Unpopular Andrea 🙏  


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