Weeks 12 & 13: Trust


Weeks 12 & 13: Trust: 

"The secret of happiness is to live moment by moment and to thank God for all that He, in His goodness, sends to us day after day." - Saint Gianna Molla

(Photo by me) Downtown Harbourfront, Toronto. Thank You God for letting me live in a city such as this!

Hi friends! Sorry I have not been posting again for the past two weeks. It has been super busy and everything in between. Waiting to hear from my profs on my big paper, finishing my course(s) (homestretch! πŸ’ͺ) and adjusting to my new job. 

Also, I cannot believe that it is already Holy Week! 😱This year is really flying by! These past two weeks have taught me a couple of things: learning to trust in the Lord and taking help/support from others. 

Can you finish the rest?

Everything was going well (work in the day, going to school - part time I might add - at night), until this Friday, when my life was put on hold. Working away on Thursday, I had a couple of manageable dizzy spells, I didn't think anything of it. I thought I was very dehydrated and needed to drink more water. That worked right? Well, it did, then Friday morning came along. 

I woke up with an even worse dizzy spell that was spinning out of control. I felt like I was on an airplane (you know when you're up in the air). I thought it was an anxiety attack because maybe not enough oxygen was going to my brain. My mom told that my eyes looked like they were spinning out of control! At the same time, I felt like I had no strength to take on the day. 

I have never felt like this before. What was happening to me? Fast forward to a couple of hours later at the walk-in clinic (with COVID-19 protocol) and my mom is trying to hold me up. It reminded me from one of the Stations of the Cross, where Simon of Cyrene helps Jesus carry His cross on His way to Calvary. When the doctor was doing the examination, she was telling to try out this exercise called the Brandt-Daroff exercises. 

Slowly taking my time, my left side seemed to be not bad. But when I got to doing my right side, the room was spinning out of control. I started balling my eyes because of the dizziness and pain I was experiencing in that moment. I thought my life was spinning out of control. I knew that Christ was with me in that moment. 

 I ended up getting diagnosed with vertigo. It is something that I have to live with, which is okay. No cure, but treatment. Completely unexpected. These whole two weeks I thought I could take my life into my own hands and just go through it. How many times have we felt like our lives are beyond our control, when we want to them to be? A friend of mine reminded me that we need to let go and let God. 

Let go and let God. Trust. Surrender. You are Enough. These words I kept on reminding myself at the beginning of this year, yet I forgot them in the span of two weeks. I think this experience and diagnosis taught me that my life is not my own, but I play a character in the grander play of God's Plan. He is writing mine and your story. He does not want us to suffer but the reason for suffering is to stretch, grow and make us better human beings towards following Him and supporting others too. 

My words for you this week is: Let Go and Let God. Surrender. Let me know what you think in the comments below.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Until next time...

Unpopular Andrea πŸ˜ŠπŸ™



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