Week 3: Class is Now in Session


Class is Now in Session

"You must believe in truth that whatever God gives or permits is for your salvation" - St. Catherine of Siena

Hello dear friends! Sorry for the late post! Well, it has officially been a full week. What have you been doing, especially if you live in Ontario, Canada (lockdown and all)? It has been a productive and relaxing one. 

Over this past weekend (sorry to my friends whom I didn't hang out with on Zoom), I thought I would spend time with my mom and brother by watching a very cool show on Netflix called Cobra Kai. I sort of wanted to get away from my typical lockdown weekend where I would stare at a screen either on a conference call or talking with friends, to even being on a date with a guy (yes, I am single, but that will probably be another blog). Not that there isn't anything wrong with that. I wanted to change it up this weekend. I haven't really spent time with my mom for a little while, even though we have been under lockdown for a short while now. 

To all you folks who know about the OG Karate Kid movies with Mr. Miyagi (God rest his soul) and his technique Wax On, Wax Off karate method (though there are a ton of ways to learn the martial arts), it is both nostalgic and a fresh take on the series. Though some of the content might be a little outdated (i.e.: language, karate solving all issues), there are a lot of great lessons to be learned. As you watch the show, you can really see the realities of people and how they deal with their lives. 

Realities such as trying to find oneself in this crazy world we live in and trying to see the good in people. I think towards the end of the series, there will be forgiveness between all the characters. We just have to wait and see! 

I don't know

As a young adult trying my best to navigate the current climate of  my life (i.e.: starting up school again, trying to find a job or trying to find the man God has planned for me), it has been hard and busy. Life doesn't always give us sunshine and rainbows, though sometimes my mind wants to escape to that place. Life is challenging and messy. 

But it is okay because God with us and He is here at our side to support us in our messiness and challenges. He is the God who is loving, patient and forgiving towards all of us. 

Like Mr. Miyagi who teaches Daniel karate in the series, God gives or permits things (sufferings and blessings) to happen because He knows that it will be good for us. I know for myself when I am in those moments where I feel like I am in the dark, (though I may not know what is happening in that moment and I really don't like it there) God teaches and gives us the tools we need to face the sufferings or sin that come our way. With these tools, He will not only bless them, but we will be ready through Him, who gives us strength and courage, to face them head on. 

For myself right now, the tools that I am given from Him is to be joyful in these challenging times, to have hope, and to always rely on Him and you too! 

So, my question(s) for you this week is, what are the current tools that God has given to you to face your life challenges? Really reflect on this and comment down below. 👇👇👇 

-Unpopular Andrea 🙏


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