Week 5: Time Flies!


Week 5: Time Flies! 😱😱

"Time has a wonderful way of showing us what really matters" -Anonymous πŸ‘»

Hello friends and welcome to Week 5 of my blog. Wow, I feel as though 2021 just began and yet, time is moving quickly 😦 (I am very shooketh). How was your week? I think we will hopefully out of the January blues because February is a month to look forward to. 

It's a good thing they're cute! But the cheese is so there! 

There's Valentine's Day πŸ’‹πŸ’to all you romantics and lovers out there! I will definitely be watching those Hallmark Channel cheesy (the πŸ§€is very present and I love them) movies. Also, if you are living in Canada, there is another holiday called Family Day. It is a fairly recent holiday that was put in the Canadian calendar because 1) February does not have any Civic holidays, and 2) we need to spend time more with our families (pre-pandemic and however you perceive a family to be). 

Me going into my office next Monday

I am looking forward to February because I am starting a new job. I start on February 8th, 2021. I am going to be working for the Ontario Public Service (OPS). The Ministry I will be working for is the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. I am beyond blessed and grateful, especially during these times because many people are without work. Please pray for me πŸ™! 

Anyways, I am not here to boast about the job. I am here to write that these things do not define me. Things such as having a career, going to university or whatever else does not define you. What defines a person is this: BE WHO GOD CREATED YOU TO BE AND SET THE WORLD ABLAZE. This is from an Instagram post whom I follow. Her name is @brickhouseinthecity (you should totally follow her, she's awesome!). 

Sure, you can love what you do, and have all the nice things (I am not saying that they are bad, in fact they are good), we just have to remember WHO we are, as our Creator created us to be. We have to remember also that everything that is good in our lives (the career, the degree, etc) comes from God, and with God, all things are possible. 

Another thing to think about is surrender. How often do we have a hard time surrendering things in our life to God? This is a big one for me. Surrendering everything to God can be scary because we want to be in control of our life. But, we just have to surrender because He can bring us true freedom and liberation from our bondage. He can bring us to our life's goals (even though it doesn't turn out the way we want it to go). He is our Father who never abandons us. He is with us always (Emmanuel). 

So my friends, what is holding you back to your full surrendering to God? Bring it to Him. Let Him help you. That is one of the many ways He is always there for you. Trust in Him. 

Please continue to pray for me, this blog and for all those who are unemployed, that through the intercession of St. Joseph, they may find fair and passionate jobs. Thank you so much for reading my blogs each week, I am so privileged and grateful to have your reading support! 

What would you like me to write about in my next blog? Or is there something I missed today? Please let me know in the comments down below πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡. See you all next week! πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

-Unpopular Andrea πŸ™πŸ˜„    


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