Week 14 & 15: AAGGGHHH The Busyness!!!
Week 14 & 15: AAGGGHHHH The Busyness!!! "Everyone of us needs half an hour of prayer each day, except when we are busy - then we need an hour." - St. Francis de Sales It's that time of year folks...the semester coming to a close, work picking up while being on lockdown (yet again)...it's a fun time. Hi friends! I hope you had a great couple of weeks. It has been a challenging yet eventful time in my life. Happy Easter! What I meant of challenging yet eventful couple of weeks is that life doesn't look like it is slowing down for me. Work has been such a gift from the Lord and bringing me to somewhat of a normalcy during this time. Plus, my boss told me that I am considered as an essential worker. I think it is probably because of the populations I serve (people with disabilities). I am going for the Pfizer (or Moderna) vaccine on Tuesday April 20th (please pray for me) at 12:30pm, during my lunch. Am I looking forward to getting a needle in my arm? Why yes, ...